Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Asfsgnklafjnlamnboerinb lekmbrknmobvnornva!!!!!!!!

I wish they'd come around here. =\
But yeah. That's all I have to say for right now. 7 days until Disguises!  akdsnfvndivnwdincvwdnv

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm sure that most of you have heard of Rebecca Black by now, right? If not, she is a 13 year old girl from I have no idea where, and I wish she would go back. Apparently, you can pay this music factory to make your "13 to 17 year old daughter" an internet celebrity. This is absolutely stupid. The dumb bitch cannot even sing to save her life.

You can watch her music video for 'Friday' here: (With almost 10 million views.)


ANDDDD!!!! Her other dumb song, 'Prom Night' here:

You can see the article about her here as well:

I hope she gets over herself. She sucks.

Here's a picture:
Lovely, isn't it? Lol.

Monday, March 7, 2011

     You know how you get those really annoying cold sores in the worst of places? Yeah, they suck. I have one right next to my tooth, and I've bitten it so many times today... Even when I 'm not eating anything.

     Anyway, a 46 year old Florida woman was arrested for disorderly intoxication. She stripped naked, threw rocks at men, pulled her teeth out, and not to mention, she was of course drunk. What was she planning to do? Gum the men she was throwing rocks at? I don't even want to know.


And here's some pictures

I know that everyone is sick of Amber Baird, but she really needs to burn...BURN!!!
Oh Obama.. Even if this is fake
Good memories...
Can't have a proper post without Patrick