Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Post?

What to post first... I have no idea. Yes, it is a state of emergency that I don't know what to put on here first....

 Random facts are always fun...yes, let's do that.
~ There are more dogs than children in the city of Paris. (Big shocker? Not really, considering that dogs reproduce like rabbits.)

~An estimated one billion birds die each year in the U.S. from smashing into windows. (Thus requiring you to pick up the remains, or letting the neighborhood cat to have a snack.)

~The average human will eat an average of eight spiders while sleeping. (And this was tested how? Yeah, scientists are going to monitor someone their entire life and use tally marks to record the spiders they eat.)

~The infamous position "doggie style" was derived from someone observing lions mating. (Then wouldn't it be "kitty style"?)

~"Mountain Dew" is an old slang term for moonshine. (That means that when you get pulled over whilst moonshine runnin', you can say that you were delivering "Mountain Dew.")

Okay...all for now :)

I'll leave you with a picture of a shavable baby:
And some food for thought.